MULTIVAC - efficient and attractive solutions for packaging snacks
Whether nuts, mini-quiches, sandwiches, chocolate bars, dried fruit, meatballs, or cheese nibbles - the variety of products in the snack sector calls for tailor-made solutions. The field of snacks is also sensitive to price - so packaging solutions not only need to adapt and stand out, but they also have to be highly efficient.
MULTIVAC can offer individually tailored machine concepts and solutions for packing snacks in thermoformed packs, pots, bowls, film pouches, portion and combination packs, and multiple packs. And we never lose sight of your productivity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness while you enjoy all the freedom of design you'll need to stand out on the shelf.
Talk to us. We're looking forward to your snack challenge.
Packaging examples for snacks

- "Tradition is always founded on innovation"
- Beef jerky in attractive aluminum packs
MULTIVAC machine range for snacks
MULTIVAC machine range for snacks

Applications for snacks

MULTIVAC line solutions for snacks