Services from the MULTIVAC Digital Solutions portfolio
Use machine data profitably
Digitalization, the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, or Smart Factory. When using modern technology, companies face a potentially immense amount of data in their processing and packaging processes. Those who want to benefit from "Big Data" digitalization should be able to extract their data, analyze it efficiently and process it further.
Your partner for digitalization
Since 2015, MULTIVAC has been making rapid advances in digitalization. The focus being on the subject of Smart Packaging. Today we can also offer you a wide range of digital tools to support you in the successive digitalization of your processes.
We have developed the myMULTIVAC Customer Portal, MULTIVAC Smart Services, and MULTIVAC Line Control for you. This means that MULTIVAC enables you to easily enter the Industry 4.0 era and will provide you with a constantly growing range of intelligent applications.
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