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MeetMULTIVAC: Marketing Administrator

Introducing the team at MULTIVAC


At MULTIVAC, our people share the same vision and values to help process and package what is valuable to your business, but how much do you know about the different areas of our business, and the people who make it all happen?

We’re making business more human and introducing you to some of our hard-working, knowledgeable, employees from the various departments at MULTIVAC UK. 

It’s our July instalment of MeetMULTIVAC...

Liv Wiblin, Marketing Administrator

What do you do at MULTIVAC? Describe your role...

All things marketing! It’s such a varied role which I love! So far I have delved into the world of digital marketing through social media, website updates, analytics and digital advertising just to name a few. I’ll soon be getting to grips with the world of Print Adversting and I’m excited for that. Not to mention we’re in the midst of planning our 2 day in-house event including our Oktoberfest evening. It’s a lot of hard work and a lot of aspects to think about, but I know it’ll be a really fantastic event when it all comes together. 

What does your day to day look like?

Every day is slightly different, but most weeks consist of working on social media posts, creating graphics for various projects, participating in meetings to plan future campaigns, designing emails and completeing administrative tasks.

How long have you worked at MULTIVAC in your role? Have you had any other roles at MULTIVAC?

This is my first role with MULTIVAC UK. I’ve only been here for 3 months, so there is still a lot for me to learn! I’m really enjoying being able to use my creative side to make content alongside skills I’ve gained from previous roles, such as looking at analytics of different activities we’ve promoted and how well it’s resonated with our audience. 

What do you like about working at MULTIVAC? What’s your favourite part of your job?

My favourite part about working at Multivac has to be the people and the company culture. Everyone has been really friendly and welcoming which has made settling in really easy. My favourite part of my job has to be the variety. One week it could be attending an industry awards event to setting up an email campaign. 

What does your role mean to the wider business?

In the Marketing department, we work very closely with the Product Managers and sales teams, but are also linked to other areas such as Materials and Technical. It’s important for us to keep up-to-date with all departments in the business so we can help to promote and shout about everything we’re doing at MULTIVAC UK. 

What are you generally working on at the moment which you are happy to share?

At the moment, the marketing team‘s main focus is gearing up for our event in October and making sure everyone knows about it! We’re really excited for what we have lined up so far and it’ll be a great chance to see our customers, hopefully meet some new faces, and network within the industry. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside of work I am a regular theatre go-er. The last show I went to go and see was Moulin Rouge on the West End and it was one of the best shows I’ve seen. Another great show I saw last year was A Streetcar Named Desire at the Phoenix Theatre. I also thoroughly enjoy going out for a roast on a Sunday with friends or family. It’s so nice to not cook your own! 

Where’s an interesting place you’ve travelled to? Or a favourite holiday?

I’ve been quite lucky to have had a few holidays around Europe that have been really fun and allowed me to experience different cultures. One of my favourites has to be Barcelona with all the Gaudi architecture. I also enjoyed my time in Croatia, trying to find all the Game of Thrones spots and taking a day trip over to Bosnia Herzegovina to see the Kravice Waterfalls which were beautiful. 

Tell us something we don’t know! A surprising or fun fact about you...

I studied Commercial Photography at university for a year before switching to my degree. Studying photography took the fun out of it for me – so now, I take lots of photographs on my travels and day trips out just to make sure I have things documented and I really love my camera again. I also have the worst memory so it certainly comes in handy for that reason! 

Anything else? Is there anything else you’d like us to cover, maybe an important aspect of your job that isn’t covered above? Let us know...

Here at Multivac, we have two committees, the Social Committee and the Charity Committee. I recently joined the Social Committee and we held our first event which was our Summer Party a couple of weeks ago. While the planning process this time was mainly a learning curve, it was great to see everyone having fun and letting their hair down. Another great example of the company culture here at Multivac. Bring on the next event!

Stay tuned for next month‘s instalment of MeetMULTIVAC!

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